The MSA team is constantly working on new solutions. Recently, the mold carrier has been renovated. The whole project consisted in restoring the machine to its original mechanical functionality, cleaning the supporting structure of the machine, regenerating mechanical parts, replacing fasteners and sliding elements, and making and completing the missing parts of the machine. The parts of the automatics and electrics, which were worn out during repeated use, were also replaced. The first stage of our work was to disassemble the machine into its first parts and clean the whole thing. Then all machine components were meticulously assessed for suitability by our engineers. The entire hydraulic system has been regenerated. After preparing all the elements of the machine for reassembly, the machine was assembled at our plant, and then before shipment to the customer, its operation tests were carried out in the presence of MSA automation engineers and constructors. The regenerated mold carrier has already been delivered to our customers.
ul. Towarowa 14
41 - 103 Siemianowice Śląskie
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16.00